{ "type":"link", "version":"1.0", "provider_name":"Djem Guerreru Inc.", "provider_url":"https://www.djemguerreru.com", "cache_age":21600, "title":"Singer Professional 5 Serger", "author_name":"JOITO's", "author_url":"https://www.joitos.com", "thumbnail_url":"https://cdn.joitos.com/GENERAL/62/622/6220/6220462.V0.jpg", "thumbnail_width":400, "thumbnail_height":250, "url":"https://www.joitos.com/item/15035374/Singer%2DProfessional%2D5%2DSerger", "description":"The SINGER Professional 5 serger has 5/4/3/2 Thread Capability and sews 1.300 Stitches per Minute. With its Fully Automatic Self Adjusting Tension System and Color Coded Lay-in Threading, set-up is simple! This serger has a built-in rolled hem, an extra-high presser foot lifter and six additional feet! Included Accessories: Screw Driver (large), Elastic Foot, Allen Screwdriver, Blind Hem Foot, Knife (stationary), Shirring Foot, Spool Cap, Beading Foot, Anti-spill Net, Cording Foot, Oiler, Taping Foot, Brush, All Purpose Foot, Tweezers, Spreader, Needles, Cone Adapters, Machine Cover, Clean Pocket and CD workbook.
", "price":477.69, "currency_code":"USD", "quantity":0, "category":"Home, garden & living--Craft, sewing & hobby--Craft kits" }