Nesco FD-1020 Gardenmaster Digital Pro Food Dehydrator Our Digitally Controlled unit with top mounted fan eliminates liquids dripping into the heater chamber Expands to a giant 20 trays so you can dry large quantities all at once 1000 watts of drying power means you can dry more faster Patented Converga-Flow forces heated air down the exterior pressurized chamber then horizontally across each individual tray converging in the center for fast even and nutritious drying No flavor mixing No need for tray rotation Fast Powerful Fan A quiet 2 400-RPM motor and specially designed 4-1 2 inch fan mean faster more nutritious drying Four times faster than dryers which have no fan or motors Adjustable Thermostat Different foods need different temperature settings The adjustable 90-160 degree F digital control gives you the flexibility to get the best results Vita-Save Exterior The opaque exterior blocks light to retain more of the foods nutrients and vitamins during the drying process Expandable to Meet Your Needs As needs grow this four-tray unit can be expanded with accessory Add-A-Trays up to 20 trays 20 sq ft Drying pressure adjusts automatically to the number of trays These Gardenmaster Accessories Included FREE No-Spill Fruit Roll Sheet Perfect for drying semi-liquids soups sauces fruit rolls Has exclusive no spill lips Clean-A-Screen Flexible screen allows easy drying of small items such as herbs spices and potpourri Jerky Spice Packet and Cure - Make your own jerky at home Features Model FD-1040 Digital Timer is Programmable for up to 48 Hours of Drying Time 1000 watts of drying power Patented Converga-Flow Adjustable Temperature Control Includes 52-page recipe and instruction book 1 solid sheet 1 mesh sheet and 1 packet jerky spice to make great tasting beef jerky or venison jerky 4 5 Fan 2400-RPM Motor Dries in Hours not days Fruit rolls 3-6 hours Beef Jerky 4 hours Apples 4-6 hours Bananas 5-8 hours Pineapple 4-6 hours Opaque Vita-Save Exterior blocks harmful light Expandable to 20 trays No Tray Rotation 1 Sq ft Per tray Tray size 15-1 2 diameter br
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